Join The Shift Society: How to Get Unstuck and Find Your Way

It was 2018, and I was feeling so lost. “Treacherously cloudy” is the only way I can describe that time in my life. I felt like I was yearning for something just out of reach, something I couldn’t quite name yet.

I was jaded with my work. The truth was, while it was good work I was doing, I didn’t want to be doing it. It didn’t fulfill me. Deep down, I knew I was supposed to be doing something else, something that felt most aligned to me.

I felt a tug, a calling that had been with me for years, and that I had been ignoring for just as long. But I didn’t know how to answer it.

After some digging and soul-searching, I stumbled across something Michael Bernard Beckwith describes as The Dark Night of the Soul. That’s what those cloudy days were. It wasn’t depression; it was transformation. It was painful and uncomfortable but it was transformation.

That realization shifted something in me. I picked up Michael’s book, Life Visioning, read it cover to cover, and did the Visioning exercise he outlined.

That’s when everything quite literally changed.

In that Visioning process, I received a vision for my life, from what I now call my Highest Self. I’m not gonna lie, I was surprised by what I “saw”. The life I saw in that vision didn’t feel like it could be mine. Maybe I didn’t think I was worthy of it.

But I wrote it down anyway.

That vision was bold. It was clear. It was aligned with who I truly am:

  • To become a globally successful businesswoman.

  • To be a loving and supportive wife.

  • To be a doting mother to healthy, beautiful, intelligent, and purpose-driven children.

This vision became my guiding star. I now call it my North Star. I started writing down goals to make that vision my reality. I knew I couldn’t just focus on one area, I had to look at all the parts of my life that desperately needed attention to align with this new clear vision.

So, I proceeded to make a list of all the areas of a person’s life.

At first, I had 16 areas of focus. Sixteen! What the hell? That was much too many. So I started simplifying and combining areas that naturally fit together. Eventually, I landed on a list that made sense: 12 Areas.

The 12 Areas of The Whole Self.

✨For an overview of The 12 Areas of The Whole Self, read this post HERE!

The 12 Areas of The Whole Self begins with life visioning, because that’s where it all started for me, where I made the commitment to pursue a life that felt fulfilling, purposeful, and truly mine (even if it didn’t feel that way initially). But because my Highest Self gave it to me, I knew that it, indeed, was my life to live.

For the past six years, I’ve been on this journey. It’s been fulfilling, challenging, transformative, and, most importantly, worth it.

At the end of 2024, I realized I wasn’t the only one who had felt that calling. There are so many others like me: overwhelmed, unfulfilled, yet knowing deep down that they’re here for something bigger, something more than whatever they got going on right now.

That’s where The Shift Society was born.

It’s for people like me who have a vision for their life but don’t know how to get there. For people who are ready to align their whole self with their purpose, clarify their goals, and take bold steps toward transformation.

If I can do it, so can you. And The Shift Society is here to help.


The Shift Society is where we take the concept of living in alignment in all Areas of your life and turn it into action. It’s a community, a movement, and a toolbox all in one. It’s designed for people who aren’t just dreaming and wishing about change in their lives but are ready to DO something about it.

I created The Shift Society because I know what it feels like to be stuck. To have this burning ambition inside of you and no idea how to channel it. AND I also know what it feels like when you start taking bold, aligned steps toward your vision. It feels GOOD! It’s not just life-changing, it’s transformational for yourself and the others you are meant to impact.

Now, I do believe in baby steps for some things but it is time to stop crawling towards the life you want to live, and start propelling yourself towards it. 


Let me break it down for you real quick. The Shift Society is for one group of people only: the unapologetically ambitious. 

What does it mean to be “unapologetically ambitious”? It means to KNOW deep down inside you’re here to do something big, something impactful. You know that it’s not an egotistical endeavor. This is your mission. There are people whose lives will be greatly impacted by the work you pursue. So, it is actually something you MUST do.

Our mission is simple but powerful:
We help people like you—people who know they’re here for more—map out a path to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you’re meant to be.

Through community, support, and tools that actually work, we’re here to guide you step by step into the life you know you’re supposed to be living.


If you’re reading this, you’re ready to join The Shift Society. Sign up for my newsletter, The Shift. It is your personal guide through The 12 Areas of The Whole Self and creating a more aligned and purposeful life. This newsletter offers thoughtful insights, practical tools, and inspirational content to support your life-alignment journey.

➡️You can sign up for The Shift HERE.


Get on the Path to Your Whole Self: Introducing the 12 Areas of The Whole Self